Exploring the impacts of Compliance on Behavioral Health Outcomes
Blog, Compliance, News, Organizational Health
September is National Recovery Month
Blog, NewsNational Recovery Month
National Recovery Month (Recovery Month), initiated in 1989 by SAMHSA, is an annual nationwide celebration that takes place each September. It aims to champion and endorse emerging evidence-based treatment and recovery…

Every January and July, Joint Commission Submits Changes
Compliance, Joint Commission, NewsImportant of Compliance Monitoring
As compliance officers, one of our roles is to ensure organizations are always up to date on regulations and rules that ensure continuous compliance. In my work on compliance teams, I have often found that…

Heat Wave Guidance from The Joint Commission (TJC)
Joint Commission, NewsPreparing for Extreme Temperatures
Have you seen this recent heat wave guidance from TJC? Helpful reminders to make sure HEAT or other weather issues are included on your HVA, in emergency plans in case of a power outage, and update supply…

Understanding the DHCS Licensing Process
Blog, Business, Licensing, News, Organizational HealthDHCS licensing is one of many forms of licensure required for behavioral health service providers in the state of California. Learn about the process for completing the DHCS licensing process.
What is the DHCS?
The DHCS is a California agency…

Behavioral Health Joint Commission Audit
Blog, Business, News, Organizational HealthGaining accreditation from the Joint Commission is a pivotal piece when opening a behavioral health center. The accreditation process can be arduous and complex, sometimes causing delays and other challenges when attempting to open your doors.…

Announcing Our New National Compliance Director
Leadership, NewsCirca Behavioral Healthcare Solutions announces their new National Compliance Director, Maeve O'Neill, who brings over 35 years of extensive experience in the behavioral health field. Mrs. Maeve brings valuable knowledge from her prior position…

HIPPA Compliance for Behavioral Health
Blog, Business, NewsThe Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Privacy Rule are laws that protect patient privacy. Consumers of medical, dental, and mental health services are very familiar with the practice of signing HIPAA release…

Who Licenses Mental Health Facilities in California?
Blog, Business, Licensing, NewsA mental health treatment center in California must obtain the proper licensing for rehab or mental health before it can be cleared to treat patients. This is a required step that ensures that patients will be safe and receive proper treatment…

Time Management Hacks to Improve Rehab Center
Blog, Business, Leadership, News, Organizational HealthTime Management in Rehab Centers
If you operate a rehab center, you know firsthand how easily your plans for the day can be quickly sidelined. You may find yourself wondering how you can improve efficiency. If so, the following time management…